Sunday, September 28, 2008

Blog #3

Walking into my AS121 class is not usually an interesting part of my day. Today however, I opened the door to face a dark, caped, and booted figure facing the window. The chains and dark black clothes were definitely a surprise here at Embry-Riddle. I immediately thought about the "Emo" or "Goth" kids at my old high school. Trying to get to my seat without staring, I had to continually tell myself not to stare. This student was indeed very weird though, and I couldn't help but glance his way at least a few more times during class. Why do people dress that way? Is there a cult or something?

Blog #2

Having a roommate that is extremely southern is interesting... His name will remain anonymous, but the extreme grotesque actions he commits must be told. Every morning he wakes up, he starts with a drink made of protein mix and water. This wouldn't bother me much, but the plume of protein mix that floods the air and settles on objects like dust is disgusting. The microwave/fridge is always covered in a type of grime that makes them unusable for a clean person. Unfortunately that isn't the half of it. Just yesterday I saw him walking around campus with a sling shot. After asking him why he was carrying it, and informing him of the trouble he could possibly get in, I decided not to bother anymore after I was given the answer. His answer, "To kill me some squirrels man, so I can save me some meal plans for the weekend!" throughly disturbed me. Why do I have to live with one of the most grotesque figures at Embry-Riddle?

Blog #1

At first I believed the topic "Grotesque" would be something I would have to find examples of outside Embry-Riddle. However, after learning more about it I seem to find it everywhere around me...

In a library you expect to find books, people studying, and other beneficial things directed towards  learning. At the worst, you might find someone sleeping in Embry-Riddle's... One day however, I saw something I could have never expected on the third floor of our library. In the back corner, there was an alcove behind a book shelf where I saw feet stretched out. I thought to myself "Weird, someone is either passed out or sleeping laid out on the floor..." Unable to keep myself from glancing again, this time I saw a second pair of shoes and legs on top of the ones I saw before! Wow. This unusual event had immediately turned into a type of grotesque that I couldn't believe. Continuing to stare at the moving feet for a while, I eventually was grossed out and left in horror. Why the library?